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Proper Nutrition for People Living with Cancer

Nutrition is one of the most essential things to prioritize both during and after cancer treatment, demanding extra attention to ensure individuals with cancer receive the necessary nutrients. Cancer and its treatment regimens often disrupt eating habits and affect the body's tolerance to certain foods. However, specific nutritional recommendations can help address these challenges and provide vital support to individuals with cancer.

One of the foremost recommendations for individuals undergoing cancer treatment is to increase their protein intake. Proteins are pivotal in promoting healthy growth and tissue repair and bolstering the immune system. A higher protein intake becomes essential during and after cancer treatment, such as surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. This elevated protein consumption accelerates tissue healing, aids in combating infections, and supports overall recovery. Excellent protein sources for individuals with cancer include fish, poultry, eggs, low-fat dairy products, nuts, and dried beans.

Carbohydrates constitute another crucial aspect of the diet for individuals with cancer. Serving as the body's primary energy source, carbohydrates furnish the necessary fuel for optimal bodily functions. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains stand out as major carbohydrate sources, ensuring a steady supply of energy.

In addition to protein and carbohydrates, individuals with cancer require adequate doses of vitamins and minerals to facilitate optimal bodily function and energy utilization. While many essential vitamins and minerals occur naturally in various foods, over-the-counter supplements in pills or liquids are available to supplement any deficiencies in the diet. These supplements complement the diet, ensuring individuals with cancer receive a well-rounded nutritional intake conducive to their overall health and recovery.
Proper Nutrition for People Living with Cancer

Proper Nutrition for People Living with Cancer
