Feng Huang's profile

My short animation_The Spirit of Peacock(Peacock Fairy)

This short vedio is a tailer of my my undergraduate project, which is made on my own in 2011. 
Peacock Fairy, an 11-minute animation made by myself, was featured on the home page of YOUKU website.
Watch the full version on this Website.http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjkxNj

Youku.com: is a video hosting service based in China, and it has more than 500 million active users.
My short animation_The Spirit of Peacock(Peacock Fairy)

My short animation_The Spirit of Peacock(Peacock Fairy)

This 11-minute animation is made on my own, which is the undergraduate final project. I'm interested in character/backgroung/shoryboarding design Read More
