Our imagination flies. We are its shadow on the earth.
Sadhu, also spelled saddhu, is a religious ascetic, mendicant or any holy person in Hinduism and Jainism who has renounced the worldly life. They are sometimes alternatively referred to as jogi, sannyasi or vairagi. It literally means one who practices a ″sadhana″ or keenly follows a path of spiritual discipline.
“Settle. Because otherwise you’re just gonna get older and harder, and more alone. And you’re gonna do everything you can to fill that hole, with friends, and your career, and meaningless sex, but the hole doesn’t get filled. One day, you’re gonna look around and you’re going to realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you. And that is the loneliest feeling in the world”
BoJack Horseman, BoJack Horseman
"The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don't."
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