Celebrating Optima
Poster Design
This was a school project, to design a poster about optima, the typeface, celebrating it's distinct characteristics. Simplicity, with one direct message is what I was aiming for, such as 'A Sans-Serif wih a human touch'. 
The text says:
In 1958 Optima was created for the Stempel foundry by Hermann Zapf. What makes Optima special is the way it combines modernist and classical sensibilities. Optima look modern, yet it carries classically roman proportions and character as Optima is a design that includes both sans serif and serif into the design though it lacks serifs; its tapered stems seem to imply them. It feels more humane than most san-serifs. Like a human touch, a softer look, which causes the typeface to be soothing to the eyes, compared to other san-serifs. It is also a type that is elegant and highly readable. This was actually Hermann Zapf’s intention to create classic roman without serifs. With such attribute Optima is often used where pure functionality is less important than a feeling of “style”.
The super imposed version
The actual graphic version.
Celebrating Optima

Celebrating Optima

This is a poster to celebrate Optima's distinct personality and characteristic as a typeface. Achieving this with a single message 'A Sans-serif Read More
