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Strategic Fundraising Marketing Plan - Assignment

Strategic Fundraising Marketing Plan
North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation

Parks create a sense of place, a sense of community, a sense of identity. They provide lasting memories and vibrant interactions between people. They strengthen the state's ability to not just survive but thrive. North Carolina has enjoyed a long history of public support for the park system. This strategic effort recognizes that building and maintaining this legacy for the long haul requires resources not yet available. The private and public sectors must join forces to create an enduring support mechanism for parks and natural resources. 

North Carolina's parks, public places, natural areas, and recreational opportunities give life and beauty to our state. These essential assets connect people to place, self and others. The residents of North Carolina treasure and care for this legacy, building on the past to provide for future generations.

The mission of North Carolina State Park System is to provide the safe places, facilities, and programs which promote physical, mental, and social activity. We get North Carolinians outside, active, and connected to the community. As we do this, there will be an increase in the wellness of our residents and the livability of our state.  We accomplish this through:

* Establishing and restoring the parks, natural areas, and public places ensuring that they are accessible;
* Developing and maintaining excellent facilities and places for public recreation and community building;
* Providing dynamic recreation programs and services that promote health and well-being for all;
* Partnering with the local communities we serve.

Strategic Focus
Public parks and recreation contribute endless benefits to the community. They play an important role in developing healthy lives and building community, preventing crime and providing positive alternatives for youth, contributing to economic development and increasing property values. A well developed parks and recreation system enhances the quality of life of our state and local communities.

The effects on public health are profound. Obesity rates have been increasing over the past twenty years for both adults and children. According to the Journal of American Medicine, in 2012 more than one-third (34.9%) of US adults are obese. North Carolina now has the 25th highest adult obesity rate in the nation, according to The State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America. North Carolina's adult obesity rate is 29.4% in 2014, up from 23.9% in 2004.

At a time when most school systems are challenged, reducing curriculum and increasing class sizes, public parks and recreation programs help improve academic outcomes. Similar to active recreation, participation in recreational arts and music programs often see benefits in school attendance and academic performance. Public parks and recreation programs have a unique and vital role to play in providing the opportunity for healthy and active recreation that is affordable and accessible to all.     

The Importance of a Fundraising Strategy
Just as with strategic plans, fundraising plans are roadmaps to success. All planning takes time and energy, but a fundraising strategy ties the strategic plan to the ability to actually implement it. Fundraising strategies provide the realistic bottom line of what has to be done to raise the funds prior to being able to achieve all of the ambitious program goals. Fundraising plans provide direction to the North Carolina State Park System, build team commitment, and help guide resource decisions. Fundamentally, all strategic plans for fundraising strategies address three critical questions:

* Where are we now?
* Where do we want to be?
* How do we get there?

A clear fundraising strategy helps the North Carolina State Park System internally:

* Gain clarity and agreement on budgets and the time/ resources needed to organize new funds;
* Prepare for the future by setting a calendar and having a Plan A and B;
* Improve the decision-making and priority setting processes;
* Prepare for better diversification of funding sources;
* Align the board and staff and clarify roles;
* Reduce fundraising emergencies and crisis appeals;
* Prevent and control distractions;
* Educate all staff about fundraising efforts and recruit all staff to help;
* Develop effective language for proposal formats and great case statements to showcase both the need and capacity of the North Carolina State Park System to make a difference!

Externally fundraising strategies help the North Carolina State Park System:

* Educate donors and partners about the North Carolina State Park System;
* Publicize the existing strengths of the North Carolina State Park System;
* Focus on critical relationships - spend the time needed to build trust and confidence with key donors and partners;
* Raise the bar - engage supporters in expanding the scope and ambition of the North Carolina State Park System to be ever more effective in advancing its goals and programs.

Who Needs to be Involved?
The answer to this question is everyone. Everyone engaged with the North Carolina State Park System needs to be able to discuss the mission, the program needs, and why the North Carolina State Park System is best positioned to respond to those needs. Part of an effective fundraising strategy is building the team - that includes ensuring everyone is familiar with the mission and the vision of the fundraising strategy. Additionally, very clear roles and responsibilities need to be assigned to staff and board for specific donors, outreach, and follow up.  

The Executive Director
The Executive Director is the public face of the North Carolina State Park System and the main relationship builder with donors and partner organizations. This position is also responsible for implementing the mission and programs of the organization, and working with the Board to ensure the appropriate resources are secured. Fundraising is often one of the largest parts of the Executive Director's job.

Board Members
Board members' role in fundraising is critical. Given the high visibility and need to ensure effectiveness, it is critical that the North Carolina State Park System have a strong board. The roles of board members have evolved to be increasingly active and hands on in support of the mission and organization.

Fundraising Staff
Fundraising roles are vital - whether in specifically designated staff or integrated into the job description of program staff. Having everyone understand the fundraising strategy and priorities is the first step in clarifying how staff and board members can help. 
Communications Staff
Communication staff is key for fundraising efforts, communicating results through updated material (annual reports, brochures, web sites) and coordinating the North Carolina State Park System's participation in important events. Ensuring alignment in depicting the North Carolina State Park System's mission, programs and accomplishments, ensures that the North Carolina State Park System presents itself in a consistent cohesive way. Communication staff is also critical for ensuring that donors are appropriately acknowledged and that their logos are used on key publications, in events, etc.

Community Partners
Local partners are essential for effective fundraising. Local grant recipients and community based organizations are needed to provide endorsements, assist with donor visits, and showcase the commitment of local organizations to advance conservation. 

Clear Fundraising Goals and Program Budgets
A serious financial analysis of what it will take to achieve the North Carolina State Park System goals is the next step. A budget paints the picture of what the North Carolina State Park System will truly be able to achieve. Donors read budgets and can see how seriously cost projections were calculated. For preparing effective proposals the North Carolina State Park System will need:

* Clear budgets by program. How much has been raised? How much is still needed? Over what time frame?
* Establish overhead cost.
* Project the overall need for achievement.
* A well established audit and financial management system.

Analysis of the Fundraising Environment and Prospects
A realistic analysis takes time and energy to answer the following questions:

* Who are the North Carolina State Park System's current donors? Are they still committed? Have they been informed about the North Carolina State Park System's work lately?
* Who are the best potential new funding sources?
* Who are the best prospects so that staff can focus their energy given the long lead times in securing funding?

Criteria for Best Prospects
As you prioritize donors, think about how to build a relationship, which board members can open doors, and where face to face meetings can take place.

* Are they compatible with the North Carolina State Park System's mission and programs?
* Are they interested in investing in their local community?
* Do they have a history of prior investment?
* Have they given to other environmental groups or community based projects?
* Do they know the Executive Director of the North Carolina State Park System either personally or by business connections?
* Do they have a relationship with key members who could open doors and build opportunities for introductions?
* Will they gain from a relationship with the North Carolina State Park System?
* Can the North Carolina State Park System help them achieve their goals?
* Can we provide them visibility?
* Can we give their organization a way to engage or feel connected to the actual field work?
* Can they provide the level of financial support that the North Carolina State Park System needs to be successful?

ising Action Plan
Once you are clear on your program needs and best prospects, the next step is to develop a detailed fundraising action plan. Develop strategies and activities to build relationships with your best prospects and identify similar interests. Meet with them to find out which elements of the North Carolina State Park System programs interest them the most. What do they see as the most viable investment? What ideas do they have for how to make the program idea more compelling? An action plan lays out a very specific strategy for each of the funding prospects:

* Which of our programs would be of greatest interest to this donor?
* How will we build a relationship with them?
* Who will open doors?
* Who will be responsible for these activities on staff?
* What partners need to be engaged?
* What timeline is needed?

Fundraising Calendar
There are key deadlines and dates that must be included in a fundraising calendar:

* Dates of all events that incorporate donors or fundraising next steps, including board meetings, trips, etc.
* Dates of all proposal deadlines.
* Dates of visits and meetings,
* Dates of all mailings (newsletters, appeals, etc.)
* Dates for project reports and evaluations.

Marketing Plan
A well designed marketing plan will be essential to the success of the fundraising campaign. The components of this plan will create an awareness of the value that North Carolina State Park System has to the community and the financial need that necessitates the campaign. This broad-based public awareness will assist in creating a climate conducive to giving. With the growth of media and the various platforms that are now available to send and receive messages, knowing your audience is critical. It is important to use a variety of channels when implementing a successful marketing plan. Some of these channels include:

* E-mail blasts
* Blogs
* Social Media
* North Carolina State Park website
* Publications (newspaper advertisements/ articles), brochures, newsletters, etc.
* Online Advertisements (banner ads, Google AdWords, retargeting campaigns)
* Direct Mail

Your marketing message needs to put the recipient first and have four clear characteristics: Connection, reward, call to action, and a memorable quality. At this point, you have an audience-centric message. Now you need to engage that audience to pay attention to your message.

Marketing Tool Kit
A fundraising marketing campaign toolkit is another important tool for communicating the worth of a campaign to a targeted audience. This can serve as a template for local community parks and recreation facilities to use to aide with their fundraising efforts. Collaboration with the marketing department of the NC Division of Parks and Recreation should assure that current branding and park department profiles are maintained. Having a tool kit is essential in establishing the perception in the potential donor's mind that the campaign is professional and in providing confidence to volunteer leaders and solicitors.

The toolkit should include a brochure that contains the following elements:

* Executive Director's message (a letter format can be effective).
* Mission and vision of NC Division of Parks and Recreation.
* Overview of background and history.
* Programs and services that are offered.
* Assessment of need.
* Ways to give.
* Roster of Board of Trustees and Staff.
* Endorsements and support quotes from civic, corporate, government leaders.

All content tools should support user tasks and be easy to use. The content marketing toolkit should be available online, be printable, and be clearly branded to reflect the initiative of the organization.  Some other tools that you may want to include:

* A collection of pre-approved art, images and logos.
* A comprehensive set of rules and guidelines for writing to quality standards.
* An overview of key social media concepts and guidelines with examples,
* Events calendar.

Next Steps
Be conscious of the amount of support that will be needed for the Fundraising Action Plan. The plan will have many tasks that require institutional effort. Activities could include items such as:

* Hire a new development officer;
* Provide training for all board members;
* Set up a database for tracking donor contact;
* Create updated marketing materials.

How can the fundraising team utilize this strategy?

* Review it with all staff and engage them!
* Review the strategy with the board, volunteers and key partners.
* Bring goals to all board and staff meetings to stay on track.
* Review with staff every quarter to monitor progress, challenges and opportunities.
* If necessary, amend the plan to reflect organizational changes.
* Use the strategy as a starting point for future planning. 

Strategic Fundraising Marketing Plan - Assignment

Strategic Fundraising Marketing Plan - Assignment


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