Vixtape is an online television platform where users have access to a multilayered media streaming platform with the option to share, curate and assemble media. Providing the user with new ways to create a private media environment with all the content they please. The goal is to provide a new form of t.v experience where users have more flexible access to media, in a way that makes them feel more related to the creative aspect of audiovisual content. The platform also allows it's users to establish a connection and interact with the creators and artists that collaborate with the Vixtape content. This makes the perfect eco-system to create      sub-communities where users also interact with each other according to their personal media environment. Allowing them to connect in an unconventional way, within the community the users can share, create and engage with existing content as well as share opinions and preferences. Vixtape will help creators and artists to have more exposure and engagement with other users. The main goal was to create a platform where the users could have total control over the audio visual content they want instead of using regular t.v where all the content is programmed. Vixtape offers the opportunity to configure media ecosystems and somatic experiences, it is a way of entertainment system where you could do mashups of different layers of contents, data, audio and video could be all mixed up in layers into a single file in order to create personalised lists of content. For this 1st branding proposal we were interested in the concept of the “The Colon”. In grammar* the colon ( : ) is a punctuation mark consisting of two equally sized dots centered on the same vertical line. A colon precedes an explanation or an enumeration, or list. Inside the Vixtape universe there will be almost everything it will be literally a Universe, we liked the idea of “The Colon” to represent a new start, from this moment on, Vixtape will change the way we use and see television. Vixtape: Everything (life) and more.

Agency: UNIKA*
Client: Vixtape
New York, New York, USA





Vixtape is an online television platform where users have access to a multilayered media streaming platform with the option to share, curate, and Read More
