Light Ambience
This project was an on going investigation in creating an apartment on level five of WW for a young artist, while exploring the ideas and elements Dan Flavin’s work. Flavin worked with fluorescent lighting tubes within an architectural setting using the surrounding space to project the overall ambience. Flavin’s sculptural light installations were often displayed in a dark setting and he used a range of bright fluorescent colours within the light installations. “It is what it is and it ain’t nothing else” (Dan Flavin). I have been personally inspired by The Nominal Three (to William of Ockham). The simplistic but effective arrangement of the fluorescent lighting tubes inspired me to focus on the lighting of the apartment.
I became interested in the way that the light reflects in the surrounding room, and while exploring elements of light came across Olafur Eliasson and his implementation of reflections within a space using water.
The apartment has been designed to fit around the lighting and water features.
Shallow pools sit vertically on the floor plan distributing light and reflections. Dark polished concrete flooring contrasts with the lights.
A suspended bed on moveable tracks is attached to the celling over one of the shallow pools, allowing for the occupant to change the space best suited for the light and/or the time of day.  The white walls allow for the light to be reflected around the rooms while generating spaces for the creative mind to think.
The shallow pools from the inside spaces flow to the outside showing there are no boundaries between the two areas which encourages out door living.
Minimal walls allow for light to bleed from the sleeping area into the living area and vice versa. As in Flavin’s work, the light projects around the entirety of the space that the lights are installed in.
The overall space is a light installation, incorporating everyday living with ambience.
light ambience

light ambience
