|| The long-awaited trek ||

Once upon a time, Sabrina and I planned this trek may be back in 016. Time took its turns and after numerous chapters of our life lived and finally on October 019, we took off. The trip started in an interesting note, we booked last minute flight and five people had to travel on 3 different flights to Pokhara.
Mythological creatures guarding the entrance of Pothana village.
It was a landmark, as this was the first trek that includes all of us. 
The trek was pleasing as we hardly lose sight of the majestic mountains. 
On the way, Pothana was most pleasing and comfortable with hospitable souls. 
A perfect dinner to match a splendid sunrise.
We sang through woods, shared our memories along the way and we got to know ourselves well. Every checkpoint has its own story. The sight of the mountain range from Baadal Dada was one to remember, the brushstrokes of clouds and the mountains adding up it felt like a perfect painting and next to me was Sabrina dwelling upon the view as tears roll down her cheek. Happy tears she replied.
The view and the mountainscapes were soul cleansing. 
There was a moment where I couldn’t take a step, maybe I was afraid at that point where we could barely see where step foot upon. Sabrina and I sat beside a stone as Suman joined us, Robic and Rubita took off to Mardi Himal base camp.
We hiked back and sat on a ridge and took some silhouette shots, as Suman was fond of it. Our imagination runs wild as we could see the fluffy looking clouds below us.
The sunset seen from the High camp was one of 
the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen in my life.

Song by Fever Fever titled ‘Clouds Catch fire’ seems to be playing in my head as the sun slowly sets.
We took a new route down to Sidding village where we hoped to get a ride to Pokhara. It took us three days to get to the top but we hike down and reached Sidding the same day, it was all downhill. The best part of the trip back home was we discovered a waterscape.
We finally reached to Sidding village at it was already past 
five and we missed our last ride to Pokhara.
Finally the trip to Sidding, sidding.
Luckly we found a ride to Pokhara and Suman was super scared as the road was pretty rough. The next day, we could barely walk and were still tired. We were set to return home as we hired a Jeep back home but it ended up arriving late in the evening. But the driver road it like crazy and we reached Kathmandu in four hours. It was a crazy ride.
The ever long awaited trek to Mardi Himal was worth exploring and knowing ourselves. Some moments were worth remembering and soul-cleansing but some moments were not worth remembering. Still, everything was worth it, and yeah! Sunny days, cool nights and warm beds don’t give you much to reminisce about later.
Till we explore again, memories are all we’ve got right now.
Mardi Himal Trek


Mardi Himal Trek

The ever long awaited trek to Mardi Himal was worth exploring and knowing ourselves. Some moments were worth remembering and soul-cleansing but s Read More
