Going back to my childhood , the swing moments hung on a guava tree at my paternal home .
Fridays were always my favorite during my school days as  papa would take me to his home and I like spending the weekends at my granny's home .I become the real naughty me during the weekends and would engage in playing , listening to stories by granny and eating some unique recipes of her . So there was this big guava tree in the garden in front and a swing was hung on it . I would love swinging on it and me and my sister used to fight on getting to the swing . Not just that , I love scrapping the barks of the tree as its the peculiar feature of it having tones of brown patches on its stem and trunk . 

The tree was vanished once after I came to my papa's home and sadly I asked my granny why it was cut way?and she told me it was not fruiting as it used to . That was so vague!
After so many years , the swing moments is still my most favorite memory even though the tree is not still in place . I would always think why they cut it away even if it was not fruiting , as it held my childhood and those cute smiles while swinging and giving a shade from the scorching sun . 
Cherishing those nostalgic moments are always something which creates ripples of excitement within each one of us , so here's presenting some prints inspired from the same .




Story prints
