Chocolate Basil Dessert

It does the job of CBD, take my word. The go-to dessert that I absolutely enjoy making. It's simple and quick, no muss no fuss. So, I incorporated my top three foods that instantly make me happy – dark chocolate, basil, and mascarpone cheese. Although I have never been a fan of mint chocolate but basil, on the other hand, is so fresh and it blends so well with mascarpone cheese that I decided to pour some melted chocolate and butter, thus produced some CBD to save the day.  

Resist licking off the chocolate and the cheese mix to enjoy CBD. Most of the time I end up tasting most of the ingredients and miss out on the dish. Also, its up to you I usually don’t put the melted chocolate in the fridge because it never tastes the same. But in this case if you like to put it in the fridge store it in an airtight container. I make CBD as much as I am going to eat because it so easy and quick to make. A little CBD goes a long way.


It does the job of CBD, take my word. The go-to dessert that I absolutely enjoy making. Its simple and quick, no muss no fuss. So, I incorporated Read More
