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KATSU stone for Floating studio Wellcure in Moscow

KATSU stone for Floating studio Wellcure in Moscow
I longed for visiting a Floating Capsule for a long time. It’s a special pool where you feel nothing. No light, no temperature, no sounds, no fragrances, no touches. You float in body temperature water, in the darkness and total silence. It’s a highly meditative and relaxing procedure that discharges any emotional tension.
I even noted this phenomenon in my diploma in far 2002. The Russian internet lacked information and every piece of it was found in English and translated then. It was like something subcultural and unique.
17 years passed and by fate, Katsu stones appeared in the Spa-area of such a place with Floating Capsules. My stones help people preserve Zen feeling and enjoy the silence of the nature in the very center of the megalopolis.
Floating studio Wellcure, Moscow.
KATSU stone for Floating studio Wellcure in Moscow

KATSU stone for Floating studio Wellcure in Moscow
