Welcome to the IAAPA Expo, where the who's who of the leisure and attractions industry gather for the ultimate meet-up. Picture it as the Avengers assembling, but instead of superhero creative designers, operators, suppliers, investors, and developers—all the movers & shakers of the theme / entertainment world.

In the world of expos, 2019 and 2020 were my time to shine. I was the maestro behind the scenes, the puppet master pulling the strings, and let me tell you, it was like orchestrating a symphony of fun and games. My mission? Leading the charge in giving this Expo a facelift, strategically cooking up designs that were on-brand. But we didn't stop there. Oh no, we wanted guests to do more than just browse; we wanted them to dive headfirst into the experience. Cue the photo ops and interactive moments that had people snapping selfies and high-fiving air like they'd won the expo lottery.

Let's talk tasks and responsibilities—because it wasn't just sipping coffee. I was the on-site maestro, leading the charge, making updates and adjustments on the fly, sketching like my life depended on it. Concepts for approvals? Check. 3D modeling and renderings? Double-check. All this jazz was meticulously crafted with the graphic brand look in mind, ensuring it was the visual feast the industry deserved.

And don't even get me started on the drawings — the detailers and engineering were my partners in crime. Every stroke of the pen was a dance between creativity, brand guide, and the looming deadline. Because in the expo world, timing is everything, and quality is the name of the game. So there you have it, the Expo extravaganza orchestrated with flair, wit, and a touch of deadline-induced adrenaline.



IAAPA 2019


IAAPA 2019
