C O L O R   B L I N D N E S S
Color blindness occurs when you are unable to see colors in a normal way. It is also known as color deficiency. Color blindness often happens when someone cannot distinguish between certain colors. This usually happens between greens and reds, and occasionally blues.
The following series shows the type of color blindness.
Deuteranopia – Red-Green Color Blindness. Deutan color vision deficiencies are by far the most common forms of color blindness. This subtype of red-green color blindness is found in about 6% of the male population, mostly in its mild form deuteranomaly.
Tritanopia is a condition where a person cannot distinguish between blue and yellow colors. Impaired blue and yellow vision is the main symptom that is associated with this condition. However, people with Tritanopia have normal red and green vision. Tritanopia is often referred to as color blindness.
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Color Blindness How difficult things get when the worlds see it and you can't and they cannot understand it.
