Stephen Strange, A Master of the Mystic Arts (A title he has definitely earned by proving himself repeatedly) is definitely POWERFUL!! I mean not super strength, super speed kind of power but like great magic kind of powers. 

With abilities like being able to make portals, travel inter-dimensionally, protection, wind, water and shield spells, creating energy blasts, flight, dimensional warping, Astral projection... list goes on... you can see why I’m saying he’s powerful⚡️⚡️ My best hero moment of Dr. Strange is obviously from Endgame; when he brought everyone through multiple portals (though he had help from Wong) I had to make that Divine Conduit curve using copies of one image in different sizes with the warp tool in Photoshop. I have never used so much of the warp tool for one artwork in my life 😅 we can check that off the list.


