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More than a Label

More than a Label was created for an open university brief exploring an important personal issue. I chose LGBT+ rights, creating an awareness campaign to highlight how LGBT+ people are more than just their sexuality or gender, that they have personalities, likes, dislikes, families and flaws just like everyone. 

The campaign began as a print advertisement campaign, with three posters highlighting different sexualities and genders. They use a subversion of the typical label icon to represent that people are more than their labels. Using handwritten text for the labels gives the campaign a personal feel relating to each of the identities and their traits.
The campaign developed into an app, using Adobe XD. It uses the same visual elements of the posters, such as the logo, colour scheme and typefaces. The idea behind the app is that it is an alternative social media that connects people with different identities and interests. The app also contains potential for AR interaction with the poster design as well as a chat bot service which can help LGBT+ people who are struggling with issues by directing them to help and services.
More than a Label

More than a Label

LGBTQ+ advocacy campaign, using print promotion and app design
