All over the world, we clearly see one thing, girls want to write their own story. It’s a universal truth gaining strength, it’s highly relevant everywhere, and possibly even more so where opportunities are not abundant. It’s an inspiring fact that they want to shape their own future, and they’re determined to do it. It’s not easy, as nothing that is really worthy ever is. External hurdles are real, but lack of self-belief can really stand in her way and are sometimes their biggest enemies, however when they feel empowered, nothing can stop them. When they believe in themselves, they can change their lives and the world!

Whatever the story, girls have what it takes: GO FOR IT. This campaign is meant to inspire these girls to go for it, through small reminders on different media outlets, we want to give that little nudge that can change everything.

A series of 3 prints that can connect, inspire and generate in them that "little spark" to unleash their
inner strength. 

A Zoopa project made for Unilever, Winner in 4th place worldwide.
Beat the odds

Beat the odds

A Zoopa project made for Unilever, Winner in 4th place worldwide.
