I usually start my projects with multiple sketches. The best one turns into a draft illustration. Then, if I chose collage, like here, I start collecting the material that would match the project. Here I'm playing with letters.
I mostly create own material for collages. The printout with the  text about tea has been severely watercolored. The steam is made of watercoloured paper.
I like tearing my paper. Love the texture and volume that collage can give to the illustration. The main challenge here is to chose the right bit :)
Things are shaping up. Even though I plan my illustrations thoroughly, I allow a bit of improvisation on the go.
Like here with the letters that seem to be willing to tell us something.
Oh, that's what you want! Sorry, another time, guys!
I think that adding other materials to collage enriches it and brigs it to a new level. Here I used Indian ink for the ladders.
And a bit of coloured pencils for extra depth.
“Steam mill” project is an imaginative collage interpretation of a factory like and rather dull type of establishment. 
I tried to invent a story around the illustration to make the notion more attractive, a bit mysterious and funny at the same time. 
Thank you for watching. 😊
Please visit my Instagram for more.
Steam mill