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Heroin Addiction Treatment

                                       Heroin Addiction Treatment

Heroin is a drug that easily causes addiction. It can "get under the skin of addicts" and push them further and further into the vicious cycle of drugs, until they reach total destruction. Heroin addiction is one of the most difficult to treat and it is practically impossible to cure without professional help. The Heroin Addiction Treatment hospital is here to help you get rid of this devastating addiction.

Heroin Effects

Heroin has multiple negative effects on the entire body of the user. Finding new doses of heroin becomes the only important thing in an addict's life. Addicts lose their ability to concentrate, but the craving for the substance is very intense, so they try to satisfy drug hunger in every possible way.
Drug use causes brain damage, poor memory, and epileptic seizures. It is a terrible stress for the family to see their member go through such situations, but they should know that, with the help of experts, things can always improve. Addicts find treatment unthinkable, and therefore it is crucial that the family be the one to propose the treatment and start the whole process.

Drug Destroys Both Family and Addict

It is very difficult to cope with learning that someone close to us is taking heroin. Not infrequently, people blame themselves for someone else's situation and wonder where they went wrong. This is a completely understandable and common reaction, but the only culprit is the drug and its spread around us. Keep in mind that many of the addict's actions are not a reflection of his personality, but of the changes caused by heroin - it is well known that drugs cause many changes in the brain.


The first and significant phase of treatment. The objective of this stage is to assess the level of addiction, the level of physical and mental health of the patient, the presence of effects of drug use, the degree of motivation, self-criticism, the preservation of voluntary mechanisms. A treatment plan is developed based on the diagnostic results. The results are those that determine the duration of the treatment, the choice of the detoxification method, the psycho-correction, the blockade, the rehabilitation methods.

In case serious deviations are detected in the tests, the presence of risk factors, accompanying chronic diseases, a specialist participates in determining additional tests and prescribes therapy for the accompanying disease. In our clinic or in partner clinics and laboratories, there is the possibility of doing an MRI, EEG, ultrasound, X-ray, endoscopy, drug and narcotic concentration analysis, examination by a cardiologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, infectious disease, etc.


General anesthesia, which the patient is in during detoxification, helps make this process quick and painless. All crisis symptoms will be reduced by 90% or completely disappear after the first therapy. During sleep, the patient's body will absorb vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other vital nutrients through the infusion, so they will wake up without withdrawal symptoms, such as pain, nervousness, tremor, tremor, nausea. Most importantly, this way the patient will leave behind the worst part of rehabilitation.


Physiotherapy is a combination of physical therapy, medical therapy and deep tissue massage that calms and relaxes the body.

Drug Block

The treatment process is completed with a drug block delivered in the form of an implant, usually Naltrexone. Under the influence of Naltrexone, addicts' opioid receptors are blocked and drug use does not produce euphoria or similar experiences, so there is no return to drugs. Naltrexone therapy is practiced in people who have undergone opiate detoxification. We advise implant protection for our patients for at least 12 months after leaving the hospital.

Outpatient Treatment

The treatment helps maintain the results of the treatment and is performed for one year after leaving the hospital. In the monthly follow-ups, the patient's condition is verified and, if necessary, the therapy is corrected. Outpatient treatment lasting 12 months is included in the price of treatment.

In our clinic, doctors and nurses are available to patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our doctors are certified anesthesiologists, psychiatrists, and psychologists who have between 10 and 25 years of experience. Your safety is our priority, the hospital has a video surveillance system and the hired security guard takes care of it.

Heroin Addiction Treatment

Heroin Addiction Treatment


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