Natalie Graham's profile

Face Washing Mess Remedies

The Problem

Face washing is messy so we need to find a way to make it cleaner + more convenient (easier/trouble-free?) to do on a daily basis

Needs and significance

Necessary - Face washing is a necessary part of life (clear skin, general refreshment)
Often - At least once everyday! Not a negligible part of life. It’s a frequent problem people run into because it’s  a daily thing. 
Messy - Washing face in the sink creates a mess (water everywhere) that makes the process annoying

Insights from User Research

People tend to wash their face once / twice a day. 

People generally prefer the experience of washing face in the shower because it’s less messy than at the sink.

Most people have to clean up the sink area after washing their face at least sometimes.

A majority of interviewees feel neutral to positive about washing their face.

A lot of interviewees who feel neutral to positive about washing their face would feel much more negative about face washing if they were forced to do it in their sink rather than in the shower.

Majority of people wash their face with the goal of preventing breakouts/clogged pores

Majority of interviewees don’t use much more than a facial cleanser (fairly simple process)

Some interviewees mentioned that they enjoyed the process because it makes them feel cleaner and refreshed.

Most interviewees had to be prompted to elaborate on the messiness of the face washing process; even though they’re aware of it, it is treated as a given side effect.

Most interviewees had a set routine as opposed to only washing their face when they feel like it. 

Ideation: Divergent Thinking 

Face Washing Apron *
This is a waterproof apron/blanket with elastic holes to put your wrists in that you use to wash your face over the sink. All the water that would normally make a mess on the floor and counter and on your arms would flow into the sink. 

Arm Water Catchers 
Silicon devices that go on your arms like two bracelets. They are adjustable AND stretchy so you can easily slip them on and off. They are waterproof bracelets that catch water and cause the water to drip off into the sink instead of down your arms. 
Arm Fans
Devices that go onto your arm and blow air up your arm either drying your arms or pushing the water away like the last part of a car wash. 

Sink Funnel
Adjustable silicone funnel that goes around the sink and basically extends the area of your sink so water doesn’t get on counters or floor. 

Towel Scrunchy *
Scrunchy shaped towels that go on your arm to trap the water that would normally run down your arms. 

Face Shampooer
This is an electronic device that rinses your face and sucks the water back in at the same time much like a carpet shampooer. As you run it across regions of your face, it wets your face and dries it at the same time. 

Sink Hose
This is a stretchy hose that connects to your faucet and allows you to wet your face without using your hands. Much like a kitchen sink with a hose faucet. Since it’s meant for rinsing your face, it has a special nozzle that keeps it from spraying too far or too much. 

Ideation: Convergent Thinking 

After a lot of consideration I went with the Towel Scrunchy and Face Washing Apron because those two ideas seemed the most practical and functional. 
I also talked to some potential users and those were the ideas that they were the most interested in. 

User Personas
Journey Map 
Low-fi Prototypes
Mid-Fidelity Prototypes
Face-Washing Apron
Towel Scrunchy 
Insights from Usability Testing 


"...too inconvenient to use."
"I didn’t really think I had the problem until I saw a potential solution."
"Might be messy to deal with."

The apron should be shorter. 
There should be a water absorbant material around the neckline in case water gets in there. 

Overall Sentiment
It seemed users are worried it will be inconvenient (bulky/cumbersome) and that it's not as easy to use as the scrunchy. 

Changes I made
Apron length was made shorter. 
Added towel material around neckline and wrists. 


"It would be nice if it came in different colors."
"I like the size."
"convenient and space effective."
"I prefer the scrunchy [over the apron] because it is not as big and seems quicker and more efficient."
"As I guy, I don't know if I really see myself buying something like this."

They should come in multiple colors.
They should be bigger and be made with more absorbant material. 
Overall Sentiment
It seemed that people preferred the scrunchy over the apron in general. A comment was made that this would appeal more to women than it does men and I thought that was a good point. Overall people generally like the scrunchy and thought it would be a nice thing to have. 

Changes I made
I made the towel part of the scrunchy more voluminous and also made it in different colors. 

Final product prototype
Face-Washing Apron
Towel Scrunchy
Face Washing Mess Remedies

Face Washing Mess Remedies

These products helps keep your arms and counter dry as you wash your face at the sink.
