Michael Adam's profile

Bank of America Mobile

Bank of America
Mobile web


Bank of America's mobile web experience acts as a supplement to product sales and service information for consumer customers.  After the success of their mobile banking app, the company wanted to replace the current sales mobile experience with one that could evolve to one day replicate the desktop experience. The new solution would leverage the same content management system as desktop, and offer the top performing products in a mobile optimized view.

ROLE: Project Team Leader – Digital Product Strategy, User Research, Interaction, Visual design, Prototyping & Testing, Content Creation.  In addition, I managed a small agency team to deliver initial concepts.

January 2013 - April 2013

Discovery & Hypothesis

As part of the discovery process, the design team had to educate itself on mobile design guidelines, and conducted a competitive and mobile channel analysis.  At the same time we collected past user test results and click-thru data to round out our discovery.  We used this data to create a point of view on how to update the experience, then reviewed and aligned with leadership.  Next, we set up a workshop to solve for the key challenges we identified: 

Links were hard to click. The original design used hyperlinked text for all interactions, which were hard to hit with a finger.  In our solutions we explored ways to play with the click area.

Too much text. The original design used limited images, in an attempt to minimized download time.  The new solution could increase download, within reason.  In our solutions, we used iconography and images to add interest and hierarchy.

Users did not like clicking back button as part of navigation.  The original site did not include a navigation on every page, which required users to reload previously visited pages to navigate somewhere else.  As part of our solution exploration, we planned a persistent navigation.


The final solution included a needs based navigation on the home page with a persistent navigation across all pages.  As of June 2013, the site saw a 400% increase in click-thrus.

1) Home page;  2) Homepage with featured product carousel and product list;  3) Menu expanded

1 & 2) Category overview page;  3) Product Detail page with tabs and browser anchored call to action
Bank of America Mobile

Bank of America Mobile

Bank of America wanted an updated mobile optimized sales experience to meet the ever increasing mobile viewership. The concept was to create a ne Read More
