The aim of this project was to create a book cover for Paul Danffau’s new book Finishing Kick. The book is about a young seventeen year old girl and her journey as she strives to become a better runner.
The design is supposed to convey how hard the girls have to push themselves both mentally and physically to get to the end of the race, the colours are bright and youthful to remind the viewer that these are teenagers competing, but the contrast between the blue and pink give the cover a almost edgy feel.
The typeface was designed to look as if it was made out of tape from the finishing line and the hard edges/corners emphasise how much of a struggle this journey is for the main character. 
Finishing Kick

Finishing Kick

The aim of this project was to create a book cover for Paul Danffau’s new book Finishing Kick. The book is about a young seventeen year old girl Read More
