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Earth Day Instagram designs

For the circular Earth design, I wanted the earth to be divided equally into the most essentials for life. The sky with the sun, the land and water. We need to make use of the biggest giver of life, the sun, for solar energy, to grow trees around us to help reduce pollution, adopt a vegetarian way of living by growing our own vegetables outside home , give up on using a car and adapt to using bicycles so we reduce our emissions, also reduce fishing and water polluting the oceans so the coral reef is restored along with its marine life, bring back the endangered species like turtles which are needed to maintain a healthy ecosystem, and also the great blue whale whose numbers are dwindling.
For the leaf design i was looking at the most common element in nature which we see around us: A leaf.
 Through this leaf i wish to depict a right balance of living by using all the forces of nature like the sun, wind, land and water to lead a natural existence, where all life can coexist without misusing any of them. We need to be mindful of how we live, to act responsible and live sustainably. Hence living a simple life in the country side, using windmills to generate power, having small homes which are self sufficient so we reduce our consumption, using the heat of the sun to dry our laundry thus saving energy and do our part to protect the lakes, free of fishing.
Earth Day Instagram designs


Earth Day Instagram designs

Two artworks created for Earth day in paper art for Instagram.


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