Idea - You are Charlie, a carrier pigeon who one day lost his family to a pack of hawks. Having nothing left to lose, you join the pigeon mafia. You work your way up the ranks by completing missions such as delivering packages while avoiding a similar fate to your family or getting shot down by the humans, to ultimately become the Godfeather.
My contributions - Building models and textures
Software used - 3DS Max, Unity 4
Idea - Alyssa and her friends wandered into the mansion before everything got dark and they were all separated. Now in this haunted mansion by yourself, you must find out what happened to your friends and try to escape with your life before the horrors within claim you forever.
My contributions  - 3D Asset modeling and texturing, character rigging and animtion
Softwaare used - 3DS Max, Unreal Development Kit
Video Games

Video Games

Game Production Final


Creative Fields