MVM Band Poster 

Client: Munch Overheard

Brief: The client is an ambient-acid-jazz-liquid-funk band that would like a poster design to promote an upcoming tour. 

- A3 Portrait 
- Include the provided text
- Follow layout provided by art director
1. Add title and realise some of the photo interferes with the texts. Quickly google how to add a gradient that goes from colour to transparent. Using eyedropper I choose a dark grey from the photo to keep it uniform. I use eyedropper and take a yellow from the guitar. 
2. Title text in unique font that represents the band. Subheading font also unique but simple so there isn't any clashing. 
3. Add photos of other bands down the bottom and the other supplied text following the rough example by the art director.
First final design.
Make 'special guests' sizing of text larger than 'east coast tour', the touring bands will be much more important
Align text with images down the bottom
Bolden dates or locations (I couldn't do that one sadly as the created font was only in regular, something I will need to consider in the future when selecting fonts)
Final work
Margins and guides of final work
Font used:
Title: Mama by Richard William Mueller 
Subheading: Mouse Deco by Steve Ferrera
Band Tour Poster

Band Tour Poster


Creative Fields