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Human Centered Design Mask

For my human centered design project I chose to make a medical mask to reflect the crisis of Corona virus. Today the world is struggling to find ways to distribute and produce medical supplies, like N95 masks, to ensure less spreading of this incredibly contagious disease. I thought creating a durable mask that can be used everyday for a whole year would make a difference in this time. I was inspired by people on social media posting videos on how to make homemade masks out of bandanas and hair ties. Resources like masks are scarce, but if we could all just make them ourselves in our own homes then there will be more medical masks for those who are at risk. I used a coffee filter (as shown in the top left image) as the basic shape of my mask. Then I used an X-acto knife to cut out my shape on more durable paper and thread to sow the mask together. All the tools I used are seen in the top right photo. The filter tubes on the mask are made out of cut toilet paper rolls, which was my pun on the toilet paper outage going on in America. 
Human Centered Design Mask

Human Centered Design Mask
