I love participating in game jams! They are so much fun, You get to work with your friends on a game or a short that everyone got the chance to chip in their ideas to make the project even more special. 
The Montreal game jam was so much fun. At first I didn't really know my team. I had met only one of them because we were in the same class and that's when I heard she was looking for an animator and a rigger for the team so I jumped in! Even if it was for a video game competition I would never be able to say no for a chance to participate in another jam!
This awesome title screen was made by Mélinda Grégoire, one of our awesome team member!
When we finally had our idea for the game we wanted to, I made a list of the different animations and models we could need or want for the project and then started working on an idea of how the arena could look like and a journal page that we were going to put as an introduction to the story before the players start playing while I was waiting for the character to be done
To make sure we would not run out of time for the animations we used mixamo as a base and I would rework the animation a little bit. I also rigged the cape for the characters and animated it
This is the short sequence I animated while participating in the pixel challenge back in 2018. During the challenge I also helped my friends on their animation and worked on the spline and polish for one of the shot because one of my teammate was too tired  to work by the end of the competition. Sadly I was not able to find the original scene to make a comparison of the two versions.
This was in 2018 when I got to participate in the pixel challenge with my friends. This was the first jam I participated in and the experience was great! We got to work with a sound designer named Mathieu (on the left in the picture) that had come from Montreal to participate. This was taken after our first night.
It really is a way to challenge yourself and your team to work under a tight schedule and making your bond stronger by communicating with each other by going out of your comfort zone and helping one another.
We decided to use the unreal engine for our renders because we would be able to see in real time what everything would look like and we wouldn't have to wait to long for our renders
In a way, we could say this was my team and I's first "profesional project" that we did outside of school. With this challenge I was able to learn new tricks and put to practice what I had learned at school and from my books. This project is nowhere near perfection but I will always remember this as a great learning experience!
Game jams

Game jams

The game jams I got the chance to participate in


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