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A Diet Plan That Works For Your Goals To Lose Fat

A Diet Plan That Works For Your Goals To Lose Fat And Gain Muscle
With this diet plan, I'm going to introduce you to the nutritional strategy that will revolutionize your bodybuilding life and make you achieve muscle gains without the fat.

As strange as it may sound, there is a way to mimic the effects of anabolic steroids by implementing some secrets of anabolic nutrition powerlifting workout. I call this the “Anabolic Nutritional Strategy for Muscles” (MANS).

I am not saying that you will see the same gains as someone who uses steroids, because it will not. No natural diet will exactly replicate the effects of anabolic steroids. However, your results will exceed whatever you're currently experiencing, and that's a promise! In the next 15-20 minutes, I will introduce you, with this diet plan, the nutritional strategy that will revolutionize your bodybuilding life.

You can make these gains in muscle without the fat-correlating gains! Yes, you really can build new muscle blocks with little or no fat. Those with good genetics can actually find the Holy Grail of bodybuilding while gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time.

Friends, I have no interest in hyperbole or the like; This nutritional strategy works. It took me years to find it, implement it correctly, and reap the rewards. I had to figure out for myself how to gain lean muscle mass like never before while keeping fat accumulation at bay. Although it was quite worth the effort.

So if it's the best bodybuilding diet out there, why isn't it widely spread? Big supplement companies and magazines would go bankrupt quickly if they couldn't sell their products. If the general public understood nutrition better, they would freak out. I highly doubt they will get away with making the public aware of this.

This article uncovers these secrets that you know them. Implement this process wisely and I promise you will make muscle gains like never before.

Please note that this method needs planning and commitment but it is worth it. Please also make sure your workouts are on par by implementing a well thought out workout plan.

You may also be interested in reading:  Gain More Muscles With The Ideal Weight For You Inside The Gym!

Why is this bodybuilding diet plan better?

So how can this nutritional strategy produce massive muscle gains? There is a way to increase anabolic (muscle-building) hormones in the body in the same way that steroids do. The only difference is that it is safe and natural.

This diet will naturally maximize your body's production of the following anabolic hormones:

* Testosterone.
* Growth hormone.
* Insulin - as a growth factor (IGF-1).

Sounds good, right? You will also have controlled insulin spikes that allow the body to have high levels of growth hormone and insulin at the same time. This does not normally happen and you will see extremely impressive muscle gains as a result.

What causes muscle growth?

Well, apart from the exercise itself, what controls muscle hypertrophy? We have been told over and over again that it is excess calorie; that you need to consume more calories than you spend to stimulate muscle growth. I'm going to hypothesize something a little controversial. Calories are also an effect, not just a cause.

Think of a growing child. Are we going to assume that vertical growth is caused by excess calories? I think that the release of growth hormone is what makes a child grow. The increase in growth hormone then causes the child to eat more. I think we just happened to be on the wrong track here.

The traditional advice of bodybuilding gurus is to eat everything in sight to increase muscle size. They normally recommend high carbohydrate diets with oatmeal, protein shakes with fruit, whole wheat bread, potatoes, rice (I don't care if it's white or brown), etc. Even worse, they usually recommend a low-fat diet!

Whoa, I thought you were trying to grow serious muscles! If so, you are going to want to maintain fat intake. If I am correct, then what we want is to devise a nutritional strategy that ignites the release of anabolic hormones. In turn then, these hormones will let us know when and how much to eat.

How? For being hungry - just like a growing child does. Do you see how chance has been reversed? It is no longer ...

Excess Calories = Muscle Growth.

Is now…

Anabolic Hormones = Muscle Growth (which will stimulate your appetite and provide enough calories).

Don't get me wrong, building calories requires enough calories, but it's important to understand the chain of chance. Calorie consumption is not something you need to work for, which is going to paralyze your life. Let your body dictate your dietary intake. The best calorie counter is your stomach: when you are hungry, eat; when you are not hungry, do not eat.

The breakdown of this bodybuilding diet plan

This plan requires you to eat a high protein, high fat, low carbohydrate diet for 5 1/2 days. Then for 36 hours you increase the carbohydrates. The high protein and high fat part of the diet is what triggers the increase in serum levels in the blood.

Fat adaptation

Because you'll be keeping your carbohydrate levels low for most of the week, your body will become a fat-burning machine. At the beginning of the diet plan your body will experience a "metabolic change" and will start burning fat as its main source of energy.
This can take as little as 2 days and up to 14 days for some people. However, the vast majority of you will have adjusted to fat by the end of your first 5 1/2 days. The advantages of this are:

* Increased lipolysis (breakdown of fat).
* Decreased lipogenesis (fat production).
* Decreased catabolism (muscle proteins are released from breakdown).

Insulin is not your enemy

People on regular low-carb diets want to avoid spikes in insulin levels, but for the bodybuilder, a controlled spike will do you a lot of good. You'll use a 32-36 hour window (I use weekends for this) to deliberately spike insulin.

Insulin can make you fat, there's no question about that. Insulin has a dramatic effect in reducing lipolysis, that is, because insulin regulates fat metabolism, large amounts mean that your body is not going to give up its fat reserves for energy; He literally closes the doors on your stored body fat making sure it can't be released and used for energy.

Having said that, insulin is not the bodybuilder's enemy. Increasing insulin through a period of carbohydrate loading is beneficial because:

* Helps transport amino acids to muscle cells.
* Increases protein synthesis in skeletal muscle.
* Makes a supercompensation of glycogen (It replenishes muscle glycogen to be fuel in workouts).

Growth hormone and insulin

As stated above, you are also going to reap the anabolic effects of increasing insulin, growth hormone and testosterone at the same time. Usually, when insulin levels increase, others decrease and vice versa.

It seems that the body (once adapted) sees high carbohydrate consumption on weekends as a stressful situation and releases growth hormone as a survival mechanism.
Increasing growth hormone is your body's way of mobilizing stored energy to deal with this stressful situation and so right now you can get elevated levels of insulin and growth hormone simultaneously - welcome to heaven of muscle building!

Traditional high carbohydrate diet plan for muscle development

On a high carbohydrate diet, (usually recommended for the bulking phase of a bodybuilding lifestyle) insulin levels are chronically elevated. You therefore do not get the benefit of maximum release of testosterone, growth hormone and IGF-1. In addition to the high carbohydrate approach, you prevent your body from using body fat for fuel and actually encourage the creation of new body fat. That's…

* Decreased lipolysis.
* Increased lipogenesis.

Your exclusive carbohydrate threshold level

The best thing about this bodybuilding diet plan is that it is tailored to your unique metabolic type; It is not a one-size-fits-all diet. You will find your unique carbohydrate threshold level and this will allow you to:

* Gain muscle without fat.
* Losing fat without sacrificing lean mass (during cutting).

Your carbohydrate threshold level can be defined as "The lowest possible daily consumption of carbohydrates that allows you to function at the highest level."
Since we are interested in building muscle, we need to find the lowest level of carbohydrates you need in a day to not only feel good but to forge muscle building workouts that are continually improving, week by week.

I recommend that you start at 30 grams per day and adjust from there. Don't make any changes to this for at least a week because you first need to make the metabolic switch to burning fat for fuel. Once this has been completed you will be able to tell from your training performance whether or not you need a little more carbohydrates (if so, increase by 5 grams per increments per day).

I personally regulate the average to approximately 27 grams of carbohydrates per day for 5 1/2 days. Some days I consume 35 grams but on others only 20 grams. Going higher or lower is fine, you just need to check your weekly average. This low amount of carbohydrates is enough to energize me through incredible workouts; I have energy bags and I feel great.

Nutrition after training

Some of you may be wondering about carbohydrates after exercise. There is simply no need for the astronomical amount of carbohydrates after exercise that many people eat. So, do I advise carbohydrates after training? Yes a little bit.

Carbohydrates after training are not magic either, you should count them towards your daily totals. So I normally consume around 10 grams of glucose after training and 15 grams for a particularly strenuous 2nd workout. If, for example, I work only my abs, then no carbohydrate after training is required; some protein (40 grams or less), creatine (5 grams), and L-Glutamine (3-5 grams) do the trick.

I remember years ago I was advised that I needed around 60-100 grams of carbohydrates after training to stimulate muscle hypertrophy. Now it is no surprise, with a little education, that I got fat at that time. Also, remember that creating daily insulin spikes will have an adverse effect on growth hormone levels, so follow this to the letter.

Your carbohydrate period on the go

This is perfect since you can also enjoy your life after being so strict during the week. Eat some pizza, Chinese food, whatever you want. Take your partner out to eat, have a few beers with your friends and rest assured that you are really benefiting from this. I limit junk foods to 2 and the rest of the time I eat a diet mostly high in carbohydrates, moderate fat, and moderately low protein.

That's not an excuse to go completely crazy, but you can let your hair down a bit. Again, there is no reason for you to eat after being satiated, let your stomach decide how much you are going to eat.

There is no real limit on the amount of carbohydrates you can consume. The key is just looking at the time it takes to start smoothing (a loss of definition); It might take a little experimentation at first and it will be different for everyone; 32 hours works fine for me.

You will notice that every week you go through a mini cycle of being bigger and smaller; This is due to fluctuating water levels. When you start to lower the carbohydrates you can discard a little water; it is perfectly natural.

Continuously monitor your weight along with your body fat levels. If you notice that by Saturday afternoon, you are softening too much, knowing that you will have to limit your carbohydrate consumption period to 24 hours; Keep monitoring and adjusting as necessary.

" Won't I get fat if I eat a lot of calories in the low carb section, on weekdays?
In a word: No. It's a little different for when you're cutting them out (and I'll get to that later with articles) than for when you're gaining muscle and simply maintaining your current body fat levels, it's almost impossible to gain fat with the anabolic nutritional strategy. . Remember that insulin is the key here; You will be keeping insulin levels low enough for most of the time.

From the "Healing Daily"

"These triglycerides in the blood are the direct result of dietary carbohydrates being converted by insulin. These triglycerides do not come directly from dietary fats. They are made in the liver by some excess sugars, which have not been used for energy. "

From Dr. Michael Eades's blog

"Type 1 diabetics don't have insulin so they can't really fill up the fat in their fat cells. And they breaking down proteins, converting them into glucose and discarding them in the urine. They are voraciously hungry and eat, eat, eat but cannot store some fat ... Their fragile situation shows that in the absence of insulin it is virtually impossible to gain weight.

After following a low carbohydrate diet for a time, our overweight patients decreased their insulin levels, so that, as with type 1 diabetics, it was difficult for them to store fat as well. They put the futile cycle on top of everything, raise levels of decoupling protein synthesis and increase proton leakage to dissipate the excess energy they are consuming, but they don't store it as fat… However, if you start to remember carbohydrates, you will lose this advantage ”.

I hope you can see now the big difference there is in eating this way. The bodybuilding world has no idea about this. I ask you to take advantage of this.

Diet Plan: Typical menu for your low carb days

This is how I eat on a typical Sunday until 6:00 pm on a Friday:

6:30 a.m

* 3-5 eggs
* Decaffeinated coffee.
* Splenda.1

10:00 am

* Cheese.
* Mayonnaise.
* Protein bar.

1:00 pm

* Tuna.
* Cheese.
* Protein bar.

4:30 pm

* Steak or pork.
* Vegetables.
* Butter.
* Ranch dressing. 

7:00 PM

* 40 gr of whey protein.
* 5 g of Creatine Monohydrate.
* 5 g of Glutamine.

9:00 pm

* AlmondsFrozen.
* Splenda.
* Protein bar.


That's my bodybuilding diet plan laid out for you. The question is, what will you do with it? I encourage you to leave the endless bulking / fattening cycle, once and for all, by eliminating meals (losing both muscle and fat) year after year.
It does not need to be this way. I insist that you join me in this way of eating. I am sure that very soon you will be wondering how it is that you ever tried to gain muscle without this diet plan!

A Diet Plan That Works For Your Goals To Lose Fat

A Diet Plan That Works For Your Goals To Lose Fat



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