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Romanian Mythological Creatures

Mythological Creatures
From the series: Mythological creatures (Romanian folklore)./Modern version.

BALAUR: fantastic animal of huge size,often shaped like a snake with wings, legs and more heads. Imaginary being a mixture of snake, crocodile and lion, a being with one or more heads, spitting fire.
FANTASTIC HORSE : fantastic animal, at first it seems a worthless hoax, the only way to get it straight is to feed on embers. It can fly and is capable of polyfuntionality and wisdom.
CĂPCĂUN : in Romanian mythology, a supernatural character, who sometimes appeared with two heads, other times with a dog's head and a human body. It is said that these beings can transform into several animals (from bear to deer, etc.).
IELELE: They are supernatural female creatures from Romanian mythology, spread in superstitions, but a precise profile cannot be established. However, the preffered mythological form is of fairy virgins, with great seductive and magical powers. It is believed that the IELELE appear especially at night in the moonlight, in choirs, in secluded places. Dancing naked, less often in chains, or wrapped in transparent veils and with bells at theit feet. They live in groups, in the air, or lonely rocks or in the mountains, through forests or certain trees such as maple and walnut. According to the most common global characteristics, IELELE are immortal, beautiful, incorporeal, voluptuous and seductive, excellent dancers and choral singers. They wear long hair and dresses in steamy silk or linen garments, usually translucent or even invisible during the day, can bee seen at night with great risks for the observer; although often with wings, they can also fly by levitation with terrible speeds.
It is the popular name of several stars, including the planet Venus and some brighter stars. In the New Testament, Peter, referring to Christ, calls him Lucifer. Jesus recognisez himself as the bright star of the morning synonymous with Luceafărul.
In Romanian folklore, "Luceafărul" is associated with demons, but also to Hyperion, the titan from Greek mythology.
In Romanian mythology it's believed to have usually come from a dead infant before being baptized, killed or burried alive. They cry at night asking for their baptism. There is a belief that Moroiul comes out of the grave at night in the form of a ghost to cause evil to the living.
 Is a character from Romanian mythology, who often appears in Romanian folk tales. In the folk tradition, she is an ugly, hermit witch, who lives in the depths of the forest and scares people. She is often portayed as an enemy of heroes, as is the kite or dragon.
 Is a symbolic or allegorical bird from Romanian mythology. She has a royal rank and is helped by other birds when needed. The Master Bird is an unearthly, supernatural being from the Other Land. It is of a special beauty, full of lights, celestial lights (Fire Bird- Phonix). It says that this creature is a part of a group of avimorphic beings, along with the "Pajura" and "Firebird". There are also variants in which she bears the name Andilandi and is presentet as a daughter of an emperor, transformed into a bird due to a curse. In Romanian mythological fauna, the Master Bird is considered the queen of birds, the messenger of fairies. Like any supernatural being endowed with magical powers, it is quite expensive to see, its unique beauty and the celestial light that it spreads delighting only in solitude, it says to rejuvenate any listener. A bird of justice, possesing an inexhaustible magical power, belongs to The Other Realm, living in isolation and not exposing its splendid multicolored plumage than very rarely.
 Is in Romanian mythology an evil spirit, into which some people transform after death and which takes on the appearance of animals.
Like ghosts, they are evil spirits, awakened from their graves to harm people. While ghosts resemble the shape they had in life, PRICOLICII always appear as wolves or large, fierce dogs. It is belived that really bad people turn into "Pricolici" after death and continue to harm other innocent people.
They are also known as children made between 1st and 2nd degree relatives who are born with a tail or two " bumps" on their heads meaning devil's horns.
Is a character of Romanian legends, an evil spirit, very ugly and fierce: a naked woman , with disheveled hair, up to the heel, with long breasts to the ground, with eyes as small and shining as the stars, with iron hands, with nails as long and sharp as needles or hooked like sickles and with the tongue of fire. This demon, from whose very large, ugly and crooked mouth always comes fire, is shows at the end of the month, near the full moon, to children under four years old, who gets so frightened that they get sick on the spot. This demon is also shows herself  to women who gave birth , and disturb and frighten them , in such a way  that they die instantly or remain crippled and helpless all their lives.The shapes that Samca takes are varied: in the form of a very large and fierce pig, in the form of a dog with gritted teeth, in the form of a hairless cat with fiery and staring eyes, in the form of a large crow with bloody eyes and in the form of large black spider.Samca has 19 names: Vestitia, Navadaraia, Valnomia, Sina, Nicosda, Avezuha, Scorcoila, Tiha, Miha, Grompa, Slalo, Necauza, Hatavu, Hulila, Huva, Ghiana, Gluviana, Prava and Samca. To defend themselves from Samca, people must write all 19 names on a wall of the house or persuade someone else to write an enchantment, which they wear on them. This enchantment will make Samca go to the one who wrote it instead, but if this is an old man who has lived his life, Samca will not hurt him, but will only make him grit his teeth. in sleep.

Semi-devine creatures who live at the edge of our world.
The etymology of the word "blajin" is well-minding person. Some romanians celebrates "Easter of Blajini" on first Monday after St. Thomas Sunday. They generally percieved the earth as a disc, and the other side of the disc is imagined as the other earth, a mirror image of our own, and as home to creatures called "Blajini". They are described as anthropomorphic and short, sometimes having the head of a rat. They are described either as malicious or having great respect for God. Since they live in isolation, they have no way of knowing when Easter comes. It is for this reason Romanians eat dyed eggs and let the shells flow downstream on "Apa Sambetei"/ Saturday's Water. Some explain them as the descendants of Adam's Son Seth." Blajini"are invisible connectors between Inner and Hollow Earth. "Blajini" also means a dead child who did not recieve the benediction of Holy Spirit. The Blajini have been described as small, happy and vivant creatures always welcoming humans. No illness or suffering affects them; they can do miracles and take care of our deads. They live separately from their wives, meeting only once a year for several hours.
 Is a wizard believed, in Romanian folklore to ride a dragon and control weather, causing rain, thunder, or hailstorm. They are recruited from common folk and taught their magic at " Scholomance" a black magic school in Transylvania. Also thei are taught speech of animals and become capable of riding the dragons. The "Solomonari" are tall, red-haired, wearing long white robes of peasants.
 Is the Romanian name for gentle fairies who play an important part in local folklore, the word designates an annual festival in the fairies' honor.Sânziene rituals: The folk practices of "Sânziene" imply that the most beautiful maidens in the village dress in white and spend all day searching for and picking flowers, which one must be "Lady's bedstraw" or "Yellow bedstraw". Using the flowers the girls braid floral crowns which they wear upon returning to the village at nightfall where they meet with their beloved and dance around a bonfire. The crowns are thrown over houses, and whenever the crown falls, it said that someone will die in that house. If the crown stays on the roof, then good harvest and wealth will be bestowed upon the owners. Jumping over the embers is done to purify the person and bring health. Another folk beliefs is that during the Sânziene Eve night, the heavens open up, making it the strongest night for magic spells, especially for love spells. Also it said that the plants harvested during this night will have tremendous magical powers.
Males are not allowed to see the fairies, if they do, the fairies will take their hearing\speech or make them mad. Strange etheral activities are believed to happen during this period.
Was a monstrous fire-breathing hybrid creature   composed of the parts of more than one animal. It is usually depicted as a lion, with the head of a goat protruding from its back, and a tail that might end with a snake's head.
The term "chimera" has come to describe any mythical or fictional creature with parts taken from various animals, to describe anything composed of very disparate parts, or perceived as wildly imaginative, implausible, or dazzling.
In Romanian mythology is said to be a "demon incarnate", or a domestic spirit. Hatched by a human, can be sold to different owners. It's born of an abandoned egg. "Spiriduşul" often looks like a chick or a miniature snake. It's kept in a bottle. Even it's provenience is evil, "Spiriduşul" brings good luck and wealth to the household. The master can use this creature to request from the devil any mortal desire, in return for their soul in the afterlife.
Romanian Mythological Creatures


Romanian Mythological Creatures
