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Can You Build Muscle By Lifting Light Weights?

Can You Build Muscle By Lifting Light Weights?
Muscle building is a process that can be achieved over time after a number of habits such as weight training, balanced diets that are high in protein. and carbohydrates and is also used to resting sufficiently. At the same time, all these three factors guarantee optimal growth of your muscle mass and strength.

With the world of fitness and bodybuilding created, most people try to achieve the same or similar results. These are devoted exclusively to the daily hard workout and forget that good nutrition and good rest are also part of the success of what they want to achieve, since these two other factors also require the formation of a leaner muscle.

Not enough, there are also people who are used to getting to the heart of all the routines of people who have worked out in a gym with great experience for years. These people need workouts with higher loads to advance in training.

Weight gain does not exactly mean to have lean, large muscles.
There are many stupid myths, and from here, this relates to the fact that you need to lift more weight in each workout to build more muscle. However, science and empirical knowledge have set themselves the task of showing that this does not have to be the case. and that other types of methods can be followed to obtain greater muscle volume, including lifting more loads. low.

Based on what the scientific community is telling us, it can be said that it is possible to build muscles with slightly less heavy loads, because there are some rapidly contracting fibers, also known as red fibers, which are characterized by a high resistance to Characteristic of physical activities with a long duration, these fibers are also mainly used in strength training, in which slow contractions are performed.

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On this basis, it can be said that, at least in weight training, weight is not necessarily the only factor influencing the larger increase in muscle mass, but also other basic aspects such as intensity, amount and repetitions, speed and contraction capacity, as well as pauses between each series.
Similarly, the intensity has a lot to do with the amount of weight used and the number of repetitions performed. However, in order to achieve muscle hypertrophy, it is not very necessary to increase the number of repetitions either, as it is activated by exporting six to twelve runs through each series.

On the other hand, and it is what almost nobody usually mentions, it is that the correct heating of the muscles that must be performed before each training session is necessary to accelerate the recovery of each of the worn fibers, so that in a certain way Way another very important factor intervenes in the increase in muscle volume. From there, the meaning also serves to reduce the risk of certain injuries during exercise.

He manages to build muscle by lifting little weight.
Before you begin expanding on this topic, you need to determine a very important matter. Generally speaking, there are two types of skeletal muscle fibers. Mainly there are type I muscle fibers, also called slow twitch fibers and / or red fibers, and secondly there are type II fibers, also called fast twitch fibers and / or white fibers.

? Type I fibers:

The basis for the functioning of these Type I fibers is cellular respiration, as they consume a lot of oxygen to function properly. These are fibers that have immense fatigue resistance, but they produce less strength because their contractions tend to be slower. Red fibers are the fibers that withstand the stresses of long-lasting physical activities such as long-distance running and marathons.
? Type II fibers:

Type II fibers are again divided into two types. Type II A fibers and Type II B fibers
? Type II A fibers:

They are oxidative fibers, like type I fibers, they use oxygen as a fuel. Type II A fibers are considered a hybrid with a bond between Type I fibers and Type II fibers because, although they are fibers with high fatigue resistance, they are less than Type I fibers, but have a greater contractility .

? Type II B fibers:

These fibers twitch quickly. These fibers are essential when it comes to exercising with power, such as weight lifting. Type II B fibers are those fibers that have greater growth capacity and, when developed, cause greater strength and stronger muscle mass. However, these fibers are exhausted very quickly because they can make more effort, but with a shorter period of time.

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Type I fibers Vs. Type II fibers.
In short, Type I fibers are mostly stimulated to their maximum expression in games that require lighter loads for long periods of time. Type II fibers respond better with short but heavier workouts. There are many ways to vary the intensity of the workout. For example, the number of repetitions, a little more weight in the exercises, and lighter weights when doing single-joint movements.

It seems that lifting heavy weights has become a dogma of specialized people. Performing heavy-weight workouts helps recruit all of the larger motor units that are associated with Type II and Type II fibers. Fibers are special Focusing on maximum recruitment is the key to building good muscle mass.

Some objections to this.
The above is very true, but there are many objections in this regard: Type I fibers are the slowest and the weakest. These were set for those who train for marathons, and at first glance you could say that the ability of this type I fiber to withstand fatigue seems to be a curse for bodybuilding rather than a blessing.

Therefore, each of the training philosophies typically revolves around the stimulation and destruction of type II fibers, with the humble type I fibers being almost completely bypassed.

However, a new investigation was conducted that examined the effects of different training intensities and the growth of type I and II fibers, the type I fibers have greater authority than when training strength and hypertrophy, these are important to create an excellent basis for type II fibers.

Type II fibers and stimulation through heavy lifting.
There are many studies that indicate that these Type II fibers perform harder workouts through performance. Type II fibers do not have to have the innate ability to surpass their slow twitching potential, but must show privileged growth by being able to train at higher intensities.

Despite the fact that this seems a bit strange, there are enough studies to suggest that the hypertrophic capacity of Type I fibers has probably been underestimated. Other studies on the same topic have shown this. Working with failure or training with low loads can lead to muscle hypertrophy compared to training with higher intensities.

Importance of weight when training.
The use of heavy weights can be justified by the fact that there is fairly convincing evidence that induces significant hypertrophy, regardless of the type of fiber.

This theory is also made fairly consistent on the basis of the Henneman principle (size - contraction), which determines this. The motor units are listed in a specific order, always depending on their size. These small motor units are typically recruited underweight, and large motor units come into play when large amounts of weight are lifted.

When you move a large amount of weight, a larger amount of muscle mass is required to generate or generate strength, so more motor units have to be recruited than when a light weight had to be lifted. Against this background, it should be noted that this argument does not take into account the fact that muscle fatigue can also stimulate growth and that its appearance can directly intervene in the recruitment of various motor units.

When a moderately light weight is lifted, fiber recruitment is initially less than when lifting more loads. When the muscles get tired, they recruit more type II motor units than type I motor units for muscle endurance exercises.

The motor units continue to be recruited from a smaller to a larger size while maintaining the principle of size. However, when the muscle begins to exhaust due to this intense work, a large amount of Type II fibers are recruited.

You shouldn't limit your muscle gains.
Even though it seems pretty strange, you might be missing out on the great opportunity to build more muscle and faster.

The type of fiber can vary depending on the type of individual and is directly influenced by genetics. However, taking into account that most major muscle groups have a significant percentage of Type I fibers, it means that it might be worth adapting a workout routine to optimize proper fiber growth, characteristic of slow contraction.
Muscle stimulation through a high number of repetitions.
For those who want to get the most out of their muscular fitness, it makes sense to do your exercises in the same rep range. It would make a lot of sense to focus on training work based on a hypertrophy area that can focus between six and twelve repetitions. On the one hand, it can be both high (15 and 20 repetitions) and low (between three and eight repetitions), and it has also increased muscle hypertrophy significantly.

It is said that there is no approach to ensuring flat stimulation of the muscle fiber spectrum, but it is. The purpose of the warm-up series is also called the approximation series to improve the state of hypertrophy. This is nothing more than training the muscles with an intensity low enough to do a good warm-up. This improves the neuromuscular adjustments that are required for a proper development of maximum strength so that a larger weight can be used at work. Cashbox.

There are many ways to achieve muscle stimulation through different intensities. Perhaps the best way to ensure a steady improvement in muscle building is to periodize the repetition areas over time. Linear and nonlinear models can be viewed highly since everything depends on an athlete's preferences and individual goals.

A fairly viable option is base load tactics based on the type of exercise you are doing. We were able to focus on working with moderate repetitions for multi-joint movements such as squats, bench presses or deadlifts and always prioritize a higher number of repetitions for exercises with a single joint, as these are better adapted to light training loads.

In conclusion.
What we can conclude from the above is that although hypertrophy can occur from lifting with light loads, it is likely that the greatest possible results that can be achieved by performing a low load exercise will not be achieved will. Heavier, therefore, this technique should only and only be used if you want to find an adjustment for slightly stronger workouts in the future.

If you want to increase the intensity, it is best to choose slower routes. This way you can continue to lift low loads without having to do a large number of repetitions. Quit, you can do descending series to get good hypertrophy with light weights.

So if we understand the principles already mentioned very well, we can say that muscle growth can also occur with light weights. However, this depends on the technique to be used as well as other types of factors that are very well known in the world of fitness and bodybuilding. These factors will mainly be characterized by a balanced diet, genetics and exercise technique as well as motivation and endurance, or rather, the heart and desire that you incorporate into your exercise routines every day.

Can You Build Muscle By Lifting Light Weights?

Can You Build Muscle By Lifting Light Weights?

