Mollie Burns's profile

Monterey Bay Campaign

Plastic is everywhere. We eat and drink from it, make clothes from it and buy products wrapped in it. Once these things become trash, they don't just disappear. Instead, they stick around for hundreds of years in landfills or, worse, in the natural environment. How does so much plastic make its way to the ocean? It's not just trash from the beach. It's trash from everywhere. Since 1950, people have discarded more than 6 billion tons of plastic, and only nine percent of that has been recycled. Even when we dispose of plastic properly, it can blow out of garbage and recycling cans or off hauling trucks to become pollution. Wind, storm drains and rivers can then carry it to the ocean, even from areas hundreds of miles inland. Moreover, here at Monterey Bay we want to educate you about the top 10 pollutants so you can lower your carbon footprint. We will do that through a poster, advertising and a motion graphic.
Monterey Bay Campaign

Monterey Bay Campaign
