Emulation of the analogic feel of film photography
I always search for a backlight when I shoot portrait, they're good for skintones. To achieve my vintage and film look I work with light leaks on photoshop and I add grain and textures
A lot of grain in this photo, a postproduction work on the lighting, I think I will print this one on a very thick granular paper
I think the feel of analogic photography can be reinforced with stripes and damaged filters
Many have said this edit was overkill, too much dust, too many particles and stripes, I think these persons are right but I love the feel of this photo like that so I keep it that way ...
Grain and a subtle flare, a movement... works for me
The first photo I worked with to achieve a cinematic feel
A lot of work on this edit, two shots for a double exposure, a very granular and black and white edit made on lightroom. I then processed the two pictures in photoshop, match the pose and work on the damaged film look. In the end I decided to put a very slight yellow filter to reinforce the vintage look
I found a nice grainy filter that wash away the clouds, it works pretty well on a seascape
Analogic project


Analogic project

During the Covid 19 pandemic I was stuck at home with no open project. I decided to work on some new color grading and thought, why not concentra Read More
