This is not a real book...yet. At the moment, just a promotional work. #Artrage #Wacom #Cintiq
Here is Darli, a character/story I've been playing with, greeting her father at the door of their subterranean lair. #Artrage #Wacom #Cintiq
This is a style concept painted in Art Rage. #Artrage #Wacom #Cintiq
I had "The Incredibles" in my head when I decided to practice improving my digital watercolor simulation in ArtRage. He's not "Frozone" but that's who I was riffing on. #Artrage #Wacom #Cintiq
Ever felt this way? #Artrage #Wacom #Cintiq
This illustration was originally done for fun in Art Rage 3.0. It was selected for publication in Imagine FX along with a brief interview on my thoughts about the software. #Artrage #Wacom #Cintiq
Here is a watercolor of "Zoomer." Over the last couple of years my granddaughter and I have been calling every snail we discover in the backyard "Zoomer." She asked for a picture of him and here he is.
Kid's Stuff


Kid's Stuff

Here are some images done for children's illustration projects or just for fun.
