Infographic Illustration

Science has shown the shoving negative statistics of our current ecological crisis often fails to trigger long term behavioural change. Nudge behavioural science has shown the through positive reinforcement and small design changes can powerful tools to "nudge" people in the right direction.

I illustrated a few little cute people acting sustainably along with a statistic on how South Africans are changing the way they live. The intention is to trigger the bandwagon effect, where people see what their peers are doing and act in a similar fashion.

Viewers are welcomed to engage with my poster and take off little bags off hooks. By taking these off, they are taking a pledge to become a part of the change. On the front of the bag they have these graphics while on the back are tips and tricks on how people can fulfil their pledge. Inside the bag there are stickers/ bracelets to remind people of their commitment. 
Here is a picture of the poster and the tags. Apologies for the quality of print/ photograph. This is just a prototype so the colours are a bit wacky. 
Nudging Change


Nudging Change

Infographic trying to show the good of South Africa to encourage people to be a part of the change
