Here's a selection of my oil portraits. I got bored with painting ordinary portraits. I wanted to emulate my heroes: Holbein, Cranach, Durer, Hans Memling to name a few. I've been enthralled with the faces of Italian Renaissance, Flemish and Medieval portraits since the age of 12 and loved the mesmerising quality of their gaze.

In the earlier years, I would attempt to recreate an actual historical portrait, complete costume and hair styles. I suppose my Theatrical prop-making background influenced that. I was trying to create a set prop which wouldn't  look out of place in an historical house. Now I merely take the essence of the historical portrait and emulate that same mesmerising quality without being too literal.
Self portrait with Magpie. They are my totem.
Portrait commission. Ann Tudor style. Oil on wood panel.
An Apple a Day
Portrait of my brother Gary when he was just a little lad. He was so cute!
The apple is significant as I always remember him munching on them, and once my Grandma took one of the pips from his apple and planted it in a border. We would often be photographed in front of the tree as it grew. Not sure what happened to it in the end. It was probably removed after it grew too big for its spot once both my Grandma and Grandad had passed away.
Portrait of Dave Trevett.
Oil on Wood Panel
Portrait of brother and sister, Beca and Guto. Oil on Wood.
Portrait of the actress Sophia Myles as Madame de Pompadour. Commissioned by the BBC for Doctor Who. The episode was titled 'Girl in the Fireplace'

Oil on wood panel.
The Welsh Rock band RocketGoldStar. As seen in the cd insert for their album  'Soft Eject'

Oil on wood panel.
Emily. Private Commission.

Oil on wood panel
Joan & Dave wedding triptych. Private Commission.

Oil on wood panel
Self Portrait done (unashamedly) in the style of Frida Kahlo. It was created for the 1995 'Fakes' competition at The Raw Gallery, London Bridge in London. it was a runner up. At the time I had a mild obsession with Frida.

Pastel on Paper
Oil Portraits

Oil Portraits

A selection of my oil portraits. Painted on wood panel. Influenced by Holbein, Cranach, Durer to name a few.



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