Brain & Nerves | Branding | Art Direction

Brain & Nerves
Brand Identity + Digital Communication

A Blogging Platform for the doctors who is also passionate about writing and want to spread their knowledge & experience with the people who have zero knowledge of diseases especially of Brain and Nerves.

The Colour

This logo represents the brain and nerves which is Stress-free and doesn't have any problem. So, I am using these two colors here.

Yellow: It is the color that represents healing nerve damage also relieves Stress and Tension.
Violet: It is the color that represents consciousness. 

As this brand is mainly using digital platforms Like Blogging and Social Media. I have used this typography to retain a feeling of Typewriter font.

You can find me on other platforms as well: My Website | Instagram | LinkedIn | Medium | Youtube

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Brain & Nerves | Branding | Art Direction

Project Made For

Brain & Nerves | Branding | Art Direction

Branding of a Conceptual brand. This will be a blogging website where a group of neurologists will be making people aware of their Brain and thei Read More
