Shahzeen Nasir's profile

Drawing for Design

Pooh and Friends
22x28 in., Black Charcoal on Canson Sheet
Micky Mouse and His Friends
22x28 in., Black and White Charcoal on Canson sheet
 Mounted with Boxboard Sheet
22x28 in., Black and White Charcoal on Canson
Mounted with Boxboard Sheet
22x28 in., Black and White Charcoal on Canson
Mounted with Boxboard Sheet
Reach to Jerry
22x28 in., Black and White Charcoal on Canson Sheet
Mounted with Boxboard Sheet
The world of Mickey
22x28 in., Black and White Charcoal on Canson Sheet
Mounted with Boxboard Sheet
Posters, Communication Design- A subject in the course study- Bachelor of Design (Communication Design) University of Sindh, Jamshoro.
Drawing for Design


Drawing for Design
