REACH is a team of engineering students from Renaissance Engineering Programme (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) who are keen to ignite positive change through community service. Our goal? To apply our engineering skills and build solutions with real-world impact while connecting with the communities around us. We work closely with our beneficiaries, testing and gathering feedback about our prototypes to incorporate into subsequent iterations and making sure we address their needs.

I wanted to design a logo to improve the perception of the club and influence students to join our exciting projects, and I've always wanted to incorporate a hand in it. For months, the task sat at the back of my mind, until I realised that the word "REACH" has five letters... and we have five fingers...

This is the result.
Initial sketches I drew in OneNote while I was in class. These show the evolution of how I found the shape of the letters to fit the form of a hand.


Designed a logo for a community service club under the Renaissance Engineering Programme (NTU, Singapore). Club members work closely with externa Read More
