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Beyond Beyond is Beyond Summer Jam Sampler 2019 Cover

Early 2019 I saw a post on a record label's Facebook page asking if anyone in their fanbase had an image that could be used as cover for their annual Summer Jam Sampler release. Luckily, some months before seeing it, I was working on an illustration which never really got finished but was supposed to be made into a print of mine. Soon as I saw that post I thought of it since the aesthetic is something that actually really fit their image already. 

Long story short I got contacted by the label manager and they used my artwork for the release; in exchange for a small amount of money, a couple of records they had in print at the time, and obviously, credit in their website.

When they actually released it I was surprised that it was as a fundraising mixtape, for RAICES, the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services; a nonprofit that promotes justice by providing free and low-cost legal services to under-served immigrant children, families and refugees in Central and South Texas. Which I am very grateful for since I actually live in a state really close to the U.S. Border and know just how much injustice goes on in those places.

The sampler costs just $5 U.S. and is filled with music from bands I love. I still am surprised that this thing actually happened and I got to put my little grain of sand in such a beautiful creation.
Initial sketch; thought out for a whole other personal composition.
Beyond Beyond is Beyond Summer Jam Sampler 2019 Cover


Beyond Beyond is Beyond Summer Jam Sampler 2019 Cover

Cover for Beyond Beyond is Beyond's Summer Jam Sampler 2019. A sampler featuring music from bands like The Myrrors, L'Eclair, Garcia Peoples, Dir Read More
