Keywords: Ray Marching / Abstract / Fragment shader 

Technologies: Shadertoy / GLSL 

Brief: This is one of my multiple abstract shaders where I find a certain effect/visual that I like and I try to recreate in a shader. This one was originally inspired from Unity’s 2019 splash screen. The first task was recreating the deformed shape using a signed distance field (SDF) function. My approach for this was having one point that represents the center of the shape. Around this point, a set of random points are generated and animated to rotate around it randomly. For each one of those random points, the same logic is applied using another subset of points. To calculate the distance at each point, I apply the same logic used in smooth 3D Voronoi noise.
For lighting, I use one light source and one Cubemap for reflections. At each point on the surface, normals are estimated using the SDF function, then the incoming ray is reflected using that normal in order to sample reflections. 

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Creative Fields