José Manuel Grajales Beltrán's profile

Ali The Extraterrestrial - A comic Online S1

Ali The Extraterrestrial ©
A Comic

Ali is not only an alien in space, but in time…
It comes from a different universe & dimension, yet as the spiral of life extends through time and space, It has a very similar shape to that of a human, though with big differences aswell.
Ali has no mouth, as It speaks with its mind and its actions speak for itself.
Big head, small body, keen eyes and a great heart make of Ali a great friend.
When It winks, magic happens.
Written, drawn and published by josefomanu

Epilogue Text

For breaking the timeline, Ali detatched itself from it, falling into a quantum leap, which means that everytime that Ali falls asleep, it will awake in a completely different dimension (timewise and spacewise). Ali will have to adapt constantly to its new reality, figuring out what to do and trying to work out the mess it created in the first place.
For breaking death’s clock, Black Ali will remain attatched to its opposite, so that it’s always under control, because such a wild thing cannot have a body of its own. As a shadow, Black Ali will be a great influence on Ali, trying to take over anytime it can…
Death, as it has been since ever and might be forever, will keep up tirelessly to chase life, ticking the clock indistinctly on every being, as death has no creed, age or genre.
Ali The Extraterrestrial - A comic Online S1

Ali The Extraterrestrial - A comic Online S1

Alí was conceived as a doodle around 1997 / 98, when during an art class, two friends of mine were drawing it, so I gave it a try and since then Read More
