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High Point Hockey 2020 Playoff Branding and Visuals

Create compelling content and graphics for High Point University's club ice hockey team and their playoff weekend in Virginia Beach using consistent elements and assets. Inspired by several graphics I saw created for Super Bowl LIV in Miami, Florida, I wanted the location, in this case Virginia Beach, to be the center point of the graphic and embraced the challenge of trying to blend hockey and the beach.
· Research Virginia Beach and use elements and assets that represent it in all graphics for the weekend
· Successfully integrate hockey elements and important information in a beach-themed graphic
· Make sure that the elements and assets in the graphics are consistent throughout
On Monday, February 18, 2020, High Point University's club ice hockey team officially clinched a spot in the ACCHL Championship Tournament, doing so as the the number six seed against The Citadel, ranked third. On Monday morning, I posted a "Playoff Bound" graphic to the team's Instagram page and also sent each player an individualized version of the graphic for them to post on their person Instagram and/or Snapchat stories.
The "Playoff Bound" graphic on the team's Instagram page did better than 95% of all the other posts on the account, reaching over i630 people, receiving over 160 likes, and being shared over 40 times. Nine of the 19 players shared their individualized graphic to their personal account, four of which tagged the official account and brought more viewers and engagement to the page and original "Playoff Bound" post.
On Thursday night, the night before the team's match against the Citadel, I launched another social media campaign to get more eyes on the account for Friday. Players posted individualized "Tomorrow" graphics to their stories and tagged the team's Instagram account which, in turn, drew more users to the account prior to Friday's game.
During the weekend, High Point played two games, taking on The Citadel on Friday Night and then, after defeating them, playing the College of Charleston the following morning. The game day post for Friday's game against The Citadel did better than 90% of the other posts on the account and was shared 37 times. The game day post for Saturday morning's game was only posted an hour beforehand so there was less time to get eyes on it/engagement but it was still shared 14 times.
The final score graphic from High Point's 6-3 win over The Citadel was shared 17 times and received 100+ likes. Each Instagram story post, posted after each period, averaged 200 views.
Throughout the week, despite only having just over 500 followers, the account reached over 900 other Instagram accounts, up nearly 250 from the week before. Additionally, the account received nearly 9,000 impressions, up over 3,500 from the week prior. There were almost 700 profile visits over the course over the week, around 200 more than the week before. 

Overall, I think that I accomplished my goal for this project. I was very consistent with my graphics, using similar elements, assets, fonts, and colors in each and every one. I knew mixing the beach theme with hockey would be difficult but I am happy with the results. I am also very satisfied with how the logo came out. I put a lot of thought into it and I think that the finished product came out a lot better than I expected when I first took on the task.
A special thank you to head coach Don Starcher, his wife Kim, and the entire High Point University club ice hockey team. They gave me my first real opportunity and made me feel like a part of the team from the very beginning. I truly can not thank them enough for putting their trust in me and for letting me run wild with the team's Instagram account.

High Point Hockey 2020 Playoff Branding and Visuals


High Point Hockey 2020 Playoff Branding and Visuals

High Point University Club Ice Hockey 2020 Playoff Weekend Branding and Visuals
