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You're Welcome Art Book Design

The 2012-2013 University of Oregon BFA graduates have named ourselves You're Welcome and this is the book I designed (along with Xige Xia) for our end of the year gallery show. We were lucky to get a full color 52 page book for just the 7 of us. The logo for You're Welcome is a rainbow colored YW, so I tried to incorporate elements of the logo and the accompanying vinyl floor design into the book's design.
Below is one of the Introductory pages which displays the YW logo and the vinyl floor design from the gallery show. The floor design is meant to mimic a subway map, leading the viewer to each artist's show piece. I used the repeating element of the floor map in each person's profile in the book.
Below is one of the student profiles in the book. Each student was assigned a color from the logo which is present in the first two pages, along with each student's artist statement. The next two pages contain a statement on their gallery piece with accompanying images. The last two pages are large photo spreads of their work.
You're Welcome Art Book Design

You're Welcome Art Book Design

A book I designed for my University of Oregon BFA group, "You're Welcome" containing the art from our final gallery show.
