Caio Logato's profile

Alternative Design Approaches

The following projects were all produced by me for a class I took during my brief time in the US. Professor Robert Newman, artist and talented graphic designer, pushed me to focus on the message I was trying to convey and not so much on the medium. That made me sketch out a lot of ideas and believe it or not, made me understand better the limits between art and graphic design. 
Os projetos abaixo foram criados por mim para a disciplina "Técnicas de Design Alternativas", para o Savannah College of Art and Design. O professor Robert Newman, artista e talentoso Designer Gráfico, me incentivou a focar mais na mensagem que eu queria comunicar do que no meio em si. Isso me levou a rascunhar mais e mais ideias e acredite ou não, me fez entender melhor os limites entre Arte e Design Gráfico.
Visualizing my creative process
Entropy, Chance, Chaos was a simple project, produced by putting together several clips of plants that I shot in which one of the three concepts were represented. 
Entropia, Sorte, Caos foi um projeto simples, feito através da junção de diversos vídeos de plantas feitos por mim no qual um dos três conceitos estava representado.
The Tybee Island project was intended to put the environmental issues affecting the beach under the spotlight, but the final outcome should also be visually appealing, so that people would buy it from the Tybee Island Marine Science Center gift shop. 
O projeto abaixo tinha o objetivo de chamar a atenção para os problemas ambientais que afetam Tybee Island, mas o produto final também deveria ter apelo estético suficiente para ser vendido na loja de presentes do Tybee Island Marine Science Center.
Art & Text was a series of 3 pieces supposed to be self biographical and that should communicate aspects of my work and who I am by using words in a more visual appealing way. 
Arte & Texto é uma série de 3 peças autobiográficas que deveriam comunicar aspectos do meu trabalho e de quem eu sou, utilizando palavras de uma maneira visualmente interessante.
The word "identity" on my handwriting is repeated multiple times assuming the shape of my right thumb's fingerprint.
(the QR code takes you to my behance gallery)
The image above represents a quickly sketched map of the place where I grew up, and that used to me "my territory as a kid", the limit of where I knew how to walk around and not get lost.
"Portraits without faces" was produced by collecting snapshots of strangers and using the information on the back to give us an idea of when and under what circunstances that picture was taken. 
"Retratos sem faces" foi produzido através da coleta de fotografias de estranhos e usando as informações no verso para nos dar uma idéia de quando e sob quais circunstâncias aquela foto foi tirada.
Alternative Design Approaches

Alternative Design Approaches

Project produced for the Alternative Design Approaches class at the Savannah College of Art and Design.


Creative Fields