' TINT ' is a special mixture of  organic hair dye + shampoo . The product contains natural essence and flavours which are purely safe for frequent uses.The natural contents help the hair to grow faster and reduces hair fall. It provides the hair a shiny and tinted texture. Illustrations of various coloured hair is used to represent organic natural components that are used in different flavours.The natural flavours are Apple, Orange, Honey, Guava, Avocado, Blueberry & Plum. Women are very much concerned & obsessed about their hair.They prefer to try new hairstyles and colour for their hair. Women's hair exist as the symbol of femininity and identity. Natural property of product ensure safety, care, & trust towards the product. The hair colour last for only few days which makes the user easy to convince herself for a new colour if required.


The output consist of pure drawings using pencil colours. Through these drawings ,value of highlight and shades in hair is highly observed and executed in the final output.




Natural hair dye & shampoo
