miljena vučković's profile

where am I - spatial installation proposal

Project proposal for Winter Stations International Design Competition. 
Winter Stations is an inter­national design competition and exhibition held annually along Toronto's beaches.
Started in 2014 as a collab­oration between RAW DesignFerris + Associates, and Curio

Project proposal “where am I” is inviting cheerful movable installation that hypnotize and invites people from afar to come closer and step in spinning/running wheel. It celebrates play and movement, simultaneously challenging position of humans not just in space – as proprioception, but also in society and system, even world order. Re-performing and resembling experiment, it plays with scale and role of human existence, personal and roles as species.  
Through play, visitors would have opportunity to challenge notion and sense of body and movement, relation of body and space, hypnotic quality of space, also possibility of body to influence space and vice versa. It is invitation to move and create movement that communicates with people outside installation.
Planned construction is of scaffolds, which are temporary structures, and additional material would ideally be metal, that can be reused as whole segment (e.g. for playgrounds) or as material.

Proposal come from exploration of topic "beyond senses" or idea of 5+ senses, and was inspired by playing with senses, (deliberate) disorientation, dizziness, spinning and turning around, hypnosis and proprioception - perception or awareness of the position and movement of the body.
where am I - spatial installation proposal


where am I - spatial installation proposal
