Olivia Benefield's profile

the haunting of tiki

Artist Statement: My main goal for this project was to create a video that was actually scary and instilled fear in whoever was viewing it. I focused on my goal and looked for any way I could find to make the video scarier, like the lights flickering or the glitches. 

Gear List: For video, I used the Canon 70D, A slider and tri-pods for the "Dolly Zoom". For the audio, I used the zoom and microphone attachments for some audio clips. 

Lights Flickering- With the help or Ms. Cannon, we went into the teacher's lounge restroom and recorded the light flickering and buzzing, using the zoom and a microphone attachment to reach the ceiling, all while Ms. Cannon flickered the light on and off. 
Heartbeat- I used my fist and a sweatshirt to record the heartbeat sound, this was recorded using the Zoom. 
Scratching- During study hall, I used my hairbrush and rustled it on crumbled up tinfoil, which made the very disturbing scratch. I used the Zoom. 

Inspiration: Two movies mainly inspired me: The Shining and Jaws. Because I was thinking of how to scare people, I thought of one of my personal favorite scary movies, The Shining, and copied two main things, the wide shots and the following of a person down a hallway. I thought these both added fear to the video because the wide shot made Tiki look small and vulnerable, and the following shot made it look as if Tiki was really being followed by something scary. Jaws inspired me because I used a trick called the "dolly zoom" in the final shot of the video. This trick is commonly used to disorient viewers, and I thought it would be a perfect dramatic ending to the video. 

the haunting of tiki

the haunting of tiki


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