Nayyab Sammar's profile

Make designs in a reference with the symbols/icons.

We were given a task to make designs in a reference with the symbols. The catchphrases that I took are unique and have a similar color palate and a start as a side interest..

I picked these three symbols identifying my interest.

I choose 3 symbols from the website from the site, Noun Project . I choose these icons because these 3 icons shows the right style that I want to explain and from these icons I made 3 pattern by using different parts to create totally different patterns.



I want to learn calligraphy for self-improvement. Dip pen calligraphy and everyday handwriting are not synonymous. That said, once you write with a dip pen and learn some nice font styles, your handwriting tends to improve. Without even noticing it, you may incorporate some of your dip pen deliberateness into the notes you jot earning calligraphy can help you to be more conscientious about neat everyday handwriting , While most written communication is done through email these days, there is the occasional note that needs to be written. Sometimes, that note needs to look nice — like after you finish with a job interview and want to thank the interviewer for his or her time. Now, I have no scientific proof to back this up, but it seems to me that a neatly written note shows attention to detail and assurance that you’ll take the “little things” seriously. Whether you want to improve your writing to impress others or to appease yourself, it’s an endeavor that’s worth taking on!

One of friends and class mates worked on explore light's properties of absorption, reflection, transmission and refraction through various experimental stations within the classroom. To understand absorption, reflection and transmission, they shine flashlights on a number of provided objects. To understand refraction, They create indoor rainbows. So it fascinates me that how it all works and what kind of understanding we really get by doing this all . 

I think football is the best sport I have ever played or watched. I think it’s a representation of collaboration, friendship, excitement. There are so many positive values associated with football. I also like football freestyle because i think freestyle allows you freedom to play with the ball in every way you want. The best part is that it helps us in thinking better of how things can be done in a new and different way.
Make designs in a reference with the symbols/icons.

Make designs in a reference with the symbols/icons.


Creative Fields