Aaron Powell's profile

Knock Down Furniture

In Product Design it was required of me to create some "knock down furniture" which basically means IKEA-like products where the item is shipped via a flat pack, and it can be relatively easily assembled, not requiring any screws or glue -perfect for taking it apart later if necessary... The ultimate test was wether or not the lecturer could sit on it without the product becoming crushed... 
Drawing Explorations1
Drawing Explorations2
After having explored with simple pencil sketches, it was now time to put my ideas to the test with layout renders.
Design - 1 (general layout)
Design - 2 (general layout)
Design - 3 (general layout)
Design - 4 (general layout)
Design - 5 (general layout)
3D Render Concepts of the Designs
General Arrangement of Chosen Design (1:5 scale)
Cardboard 1:5 Scale Model of Chosen Design
Laser cut small scale model of Chosen Design
1:1 Real Life Photo Of the Chosen Design
Knock Down Furniture

Knock Down Furniture

In Product Design it was required of me to create some "knock down furniture" which basically means IKEA-like products where the item is shipped Read More
