    Hope can seem illusive when darkness descends. The passing of a loved one, an uncertain future, and even your own mind can prevent you from seeing the life that lay beyond the fog of fear, grief, anger, or doubt. Sometimes all you need to keep going another day is a reminder that you can make it through if you hold on to your dreams. 

    "Butterfly" began as an idea I had in my first semester at GCU. It was a dark time for me, and some part of me dreamt up the idea that an abused girl would be led to happiness and light. My technical skill did not measure up to the task, so I waited. Two years went by before I attempted to tell the story. By then, both the story and me had evolved into something new. 

   I realized that the girl living happily ever after was not a real ending. At least, not one that I could believe in. Not yet. So, I decided to change it to something that I learned: we aren't magically rescued from our struggles. Instead, it's up to us to keep moving forward. I hope this story helps others find hope as it did me.
The Film
The Storyboard


Hope can be hard to find when life presents nothing but struggle. However, as a girl discovers, you can find hope in your dreams.
