Gilad Fuhrmann's profile

Personal Logo Development.

The Beginning.
My personal logo began, like all of my other projects, in a small dot graph sketchbook.
After developing the idea further I took it and redeveloped the image in, my preferred program, Adobe Illustrator.
The Next Step.
At this point I looked back at my sketchbook and notes to ensure I was on target in how I tried to match my color choice and design with the values of the customer (in this case myself). After making some changes on color choice, I cleaned up the sketch and finished developing the logo in four formats: minimal, maximal, video, and applied to a business card format.
Hopefully I have provided some insight into my workflow and how I go from my sketchbook to a clean product.
Personal Logo Development.

Personal Logo Development.

A short description of the process I used when developing my own logo.
